Sunday 4 March 2007

Fantasy World

Recently I’ve been having these recurring fantasies. They involve people actually reading my blog. I know it’s ridiculous. You’ve got better things to do. Other things to read. Your own lives to document. But, still the fantasies come unbidden. In one I log on and instead of the usual 0 comments, the digit has changed to 1. I feverishly click the button and the comment reads “Beautifully written and crafted, this really hits the spot. I congratulate you on your courage and inner strength.” In other fantasies I feverishly click, but then discover all manner of abuse, blackening my character so darkly that I have to call a lawyer.

It all raises that central philosophical blogging question: why are we doing it? Is it for ourselves or for other people? Does it make it any more or less valuable if there is noone out there reading it? Don’t worry, I don’t expect an answer.


Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Here you go. I have fulfilled your fantasy!

Anonymous said...

I used to think that my blogs were for myself, but you quickly become consumed by the fact that you've had no views today, that no one has commented on what you thought was an amazing piece of writing. Yes of course its great when people care enough to log into your blog and read what you've got to say, but at the same time you lose all inspiration. You begin to just write about the things you think they want to hear. Trust me, its much nicer to think that maybe people are reading you and not definatly knowing, than having the confirmation and having high expectations that come with a highly viewed blog. By the way, i think what you write is rather well crafter and i congradulate you on inner strength :]

Unknown said...

I came across your blog via Wife in the North.It makes me smile, I like your writing and will definitely check in from time to time.

Keep going, I'm sure the comments will start coming soon.But be careful what you wish for - you may end up wishing everyone would shut up and keep their opinions to themselves!

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written and crafted, this really hits the spot. I congratulate you on your courage and inner strength!

southern gal said...

i know the feeling - i just sometimes DONT EVEN LOOK AT THE COMMENTS number.... i can live in my own deluded world where there are TONS of comments.

but hey here's one!

hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I got your blog from your comment on wife in the north. i'm always fascinated by Beta Males - and exactly where they reside. I like the way you write, too. But don't get excited - I'm not a publisher or an editor. Just love to read, and am fascinated with how others in the world live. Keep writing - they'll read.

Daisy Turnip said...

Typical male - does something and wants praise for it!

Btw, I like the blog - keep at it!

Anonymous said...

I just linked from Wife in the North and I've really enjoyed reading your first few blog entries. Don't give up, it could take months before you're noticed. While I don't blog myself, I'm an avid blog reader! Good luck!

Stay at home dad said...

Thanks everyone. I'm a phenomenon!

Pig in the Kitchen said...

I think your blog is funny! And don't worry, my blog is on such a fringe subject, no-one will EVER comment on it. I'm thinking of deleting the comment option and then I can't be disappointed! Good luck stay at home Dad. PS: My husband asks, 'I wonder what his missus thinks about him spending all day blogging?' !!!!!

Pig in the Kitchen said...

My husband thinks you should comment on all the fit Mums on the school run. He says he will read your blog if you do! ;-)

Penny Pincher said...

Hello - I'm quite new to this blogging lark. Just dropped in to say that Your blog looks very interesting and I will be reading up all entries soon - but now have a crick in the neck - so need a break. It looks very amusing and I am glad to see you're from Cotswold area. I left Glos 9 years ago and am nostalgic for the old haunts. Childcare so many years ago I have amnesia on the subject.

Stay at home dad said...

Thank you. I like a thinking person... Not actually from Glos but come down here quite a bit. And it's probably my favourite part of the world. Thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading through your archives of posts and wondered if you remember this one! The commenters came in the end then didn't they. More than can be said for my own but I only started it this year. The question you asked, why do we do this blogging thing? Why do we? Do we do it in the hope that other people will think we are amazing writers as per your fantasies? I don't really know myself yet. Either way, it's nice to have some feedback isn't it?!! Scribble