Wednesday 21 March 2007


I’m suffering from Blogger’s Foot. I was blogging on my laptop with, it would seem, intense concentration, resting my foot sideways as I wrote. After a while I got up to make a cup of tea, or get a chocolate toffee finger, or both, still thinking about some topic or other. I took a stride, but when I planted my right foot I suddenly realized it had gone numb. It gave way onto its side, accompanied by a sickening ripping sound. Hopping around on my left foot I waited for the pain. It didn’t come straight away of course, due to the numbing, but it arrived soon afterwards. There is some bruising, but actually it’s not as bad as I feared and I can limp around and do most things, including blogging.

I’m reckoning on my daughter keeping my spirits up during my convalescence. She has recently started telling jokes: “Where does the chicken go for an ice cream? Because it eats all the ice cream.” “Why does a rabbit go to dance? Because it gets to dance.” “Why does an elephant go? Because it is!”

Yes, I have great hopes for her on the comedy circuit too.


Anonymous said...

Great jokes, made me smile anyway! Hope the foot gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

And after you'd survived a trip to Brixton, too!

My marathon training book - which I read regularly as an alternative to actually running - recommends the RICE treatment: Rest, Ice (packets of frozen peas or sweetcorn, but not in direct contact with the skin), Compression (an elasticated bandage) and Elevation (elevate the injured part above the heart).

Could look impressive and get lots of sympathy. Plus, I'd guess your daughter will find it hilarious.

Pig in the Kitchen said...

At least now you won't be able to drive your Prius the wrong way up a one-way street. The icing thing works, so does Nurofen. You should probably have a few beers as well.

Stay at home dad said...

Putting my feet up with a few beers sounds like a good course of treatment to me! What with my posture and my daughter's jokes we are the Laurel & Hardy of childcare...

Anonymous said...

Your writing is great. You often make me smile after a difficult day. Thanks!

Rest up and drink those beers - you could even get one of those beer launching fridges. Have you heard of them over there? A uni student in New York invented it - it shoots a can of beer at you from the fridge. You don't get up from your chair, just extend your hand. Sounds perfect for you right now!

Your daughter's jokes are great. Make sure you laugh out loud, every time!

Stay at home dad said...

What a compliment - thank you. That device is straight out of The Simpsons, surely?!