Thursday 11 November 2010

Running Away to the Circus

The circus has come to town. Me, I haven’t been since I was eight, and a fire-eating clown scared me half to death. It’s an event here though, and when I find discount ticket vouchers at the local café I ask my daughter if she’d like to go.

‘Of course, daddy,’ she says, looking at me as if scarcely able to believe that my forty-odd years haven’t equipped me to come to such conclusions on my own. ‘It’s bunny’s birthday. It’ll be a special treat for her.’

Saturday comes and my daughter arrives downstairs in the morning with bunny.

‘How do you know it’s bunny’s birthday?’ I ask, as I pour her a bowl of some cereal which is more-or-less just a packet of sugar-lumps.

‘It says on her bottom. Look,’ she says, tipping bunny up and showing me a label with a date of birth printed on it.

‘Oh yes,’ I say. ‘She’s six, like you.’
‘I’ve made her a card and a cake,’ my daughter says, rummaging in her book bag and pulling out a card with a picture of a cake on the front and a cardboard cake, which she stands next to it on the table. ‘Happy birthday,’ she says, hugging bunny. ‘I made you a card and we’re going to the circus later. I bet you’ve been looking forward to it for ages.’

At the circus I buy my daughter some candyfloss and we sit inside the Big Top amid the smell of sweat and damp tarpaulins. My daughter finishes eating and puts bunny on her lap to enjoy the view. I’m half-scared to death again, this time by the gymnastics of the trapeze artists high up in the canopy. But as the show goes on I begin to enjoy it.

At the end we walk out and I ask my daughter what she thought of it all.

‘Good,’ she says, as she does when I pick her up after school.
‘Oh,’ I say, disappointed.
‘Don’t worry daddy, bunny liked it. That's what's important.’

I smile and put my hand on my daughter's head, wondering when I’ll ever go to the circus again.


Tim Atkinson said...

Out of the mouths of babes, eh? What a lovely sentiment!

Stay at home dad said...

Hello The Dotterel. Yes, exactly, you've got to admire the honesty...

Stephanie said...

Writing from Toronto...happened upon your blog via Elise Buttons via Party Time via Party Pieces 'cuz I was intrigued by a multi-million dollar party accessories biz run out of a barn that led to the marriage of a beautiful "Commoner" to a handsome Prince...throw in some fairies and it would read like a story that perhaps, Princess Pink would tell her Bunny.

Just wanted you to know that "I get" your not a parent but fortunately, have a fondness for children, childhood and anything "top secret" or written in glitter.

I can also relate to the changing workplace and those crazy, non-stop texting's taken me about 3 years to figure out how to work with them...basically, forget about telling them anything about your past work exp, education, etc. they seem to only live in the present...authority, gender, age, income, etc means little to them...which is maybe good, no?....keep your beard and long hair and when in doubt let Princess Pink/Daughter do the talking.

Keep writing...

Elsie Button said...

this so so reminded me of betty - she does/says exactly the same things via her 'duckie'. i love kids! their imagination and diplomacy through a soft toy is amazing - i love it!

Stay at home dad said...

Wow, Stephanie! Interesting... thanks, I will.

Hey Elsie. Hope all is good with you. Agreed. Clever little things...

Stay at home dads said...

it reminded me to Betty she said the same thing through his Duckie.I love children! their imagination and diplomacy through a plush is fantastic .

Stay at home dad said...


Anonymous said...

What a lovely post! Kids are so honest, aren't they? My daughter found some of her christmas presents in a toys r us bag the other day and when I asked her what she'd seen, she shrugged and said 'just boring stuff'!!! I thought they were great presents!!
Great blog xXx

Jan said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPPPY NEW YEAR....and I was delighted to meet you in the Sunday(??) Times recently....!!

Anonymous said...

$$$ Offered!!!

New documentary-style TV show NEEDS YOU! This brand new series will be looking at relationships between married couples and their in-laws!

Do you and your in-laws have different ways of doing things that can sometimes be frustrating? Do your in-laws old-fashioned values differ from your modern lifestyle? Does the statement, “When mom says no, ask grandma” ring true in your family? Do you wish your mother-in-law wouldn’t baby your husband so much when she is around because when she leaves he won’t do anything around the house?

If you love your in-laws but want to learn to adapt to each others way of life, this is the show for you! Families on this show will have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with a professional relationship expert to help your family understand each others way of life.


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Helen@Soft Leather Baby Shoes said...

It takes a lot to impress kids these days!

Edie Mindell said...

Your daughter has such great imagination. I'm always amazed at the childrens' imaginations. They can make simple things beautiful.:-) I'm glad you had somehow overcome your fear of the circus.:-)

clavel said...

that is one tough daddy...following your blog hope you can visit and follow mine. tnx!

Anonymous said...

Can you as a voice of experience, give any advice to this new blogger? I think he sounds like a pretty interesting guy and I would like to hear your advice to him

Anonymous said...

can you as a voice of experience help this guy out? Would be interested to see your take on this guy's situation; he seems pretty interesting